King Bay Game
Fishing Club


The Dampier Classic 2022

Our most prestigious competition the Dampier Classic, has been run for the last 44 years and is held in high regard by the game fishing community. This is a four day tournament sanctioned by WAGFA.

We are located in the Northwest of Western Australia in a diverse region bursting with game fish and small to mid sized billfish in large numbers.

 King Bay Game Fishing Club (KBGFC) is a Game Fishing Club established in 1970, supporting families and fishing for the future. The club encourages all members of the family within the community, to participate in both its annual fishing tournaments and with the various other engagement opportunities that the club runs throughout the year.


The club welcomes both members and non-members to compete in tournaments. Junior entrants are a high priority within this competition which ensures the club remains family friendly. The club is located in Dampier with its member base stretching to 100 nautical miles of Dampier and currently consists of approximately 120 people. This includes members from the wider City of Karratha area including Wickham, country members and Point Sampson also from various backgrounds, ages and abilities. The fishing club prides itself on marketing the diverse fishing options available in the Dampier Archipelago across Australia. 


The Dampier Classic gains strong recognition for the Karratha area and promotes the diverse lifestyle and opportunity to those located within WA and across Australia. Our club promotes sharing fishing knowledge amongst members to improve members appreciation of Australian and Worldwide game fish conservation, ethical angling and junior education, with a special focus on Tag & Release fishing for the future. Whether it is light tackle, heavy tackle or tagging Billfish, our members happily share their experience with new members. The KBGFC is celebrating its 50th anniversary (1970-2020) and has been running the Dampier Classic each year, the next tournament being our 45th year! Traditionally it was held over the FeNacLng Festival long weekend, but we have successfully trialled and are now holding this event away from that weekend as we are determined to have the Classic seen as a standalone event creating a whole new 4-day weekend of activity for Karratha/Dampier angling families.